Full Name Adel Ahmed Aly ELHABAB
Date of Birth: (Day/ Month/ Year) 24/8/1956
Nationality: Egyptian
Address (in Kuwait) College of Technological Studies – Petroleum
Engineering Department – 70654 Shuwikh –
P.O Box 42325 Kuwait
Address (in Egypt) College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering –
Suez Canal University – Suez – Egypt
Marital Status: – Married and have 3 children
Tel. No Office 0965- 2314606 Mobile 0965-94436605
Home 0965-25626831
1- B.Sc (1978) (Special Geology)
Ain Shams University Faculty of Science
Geology Department (Cairo-Egypt)
2- M.Sc (1985) (Petrophysics and Sedimentary Rocks)
The title “Petrophysical and Sedimentlogical
Studies of Turonian Sediments of Abu El-
Gharadig Oil Field in Western Desert- Egypt”.
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Science
Geology Department (Cairo- Egypt)
3- Ph.D (1992) (Petroleum Geology)
The title “Petrology and Source Rocks of
Neogene Turbidite Sandstone in the Kubiki
area, Northern Fossa Magna Central Japan.
Niigata University (Niigata – Japan)
4- Cambridge international Diploma (April 2006) in IT
Skills of Electronic Communication,
Spreadsheets, Word processing, Using the
Computer and managing files, and Presentations
5- Attended a course in Academic counseling training which
was held from 10th February to 13th February
2007 at the Public Authority for Applied
Education and Training, Measurement
Evaluation and Professional Development
6- Attended a course in Microsoft office Front page program
which was held from 11th November to 14th
November 2007 at the Public Authority for
Applied Education and Training, Measurement
Evaluation and Professional Development
7- Attended a course in Photoshop program which was held
from 26th October to 30th October 2008 at the
Public Authority for Applied Education and
Training, Measurement Evaluation and
Professional Development Center
8- Attended a course in WIDS program which was held from 3rd
May to 7th May 2009 at the Public Authority for
Applied Education and Training, Measured
Evaluation and Professional Development
9-Attended a course in Gava computer language which was held
from 25 December to 30 December 2009 at the
Public Authority for Applied Education and
Training, Measured Evaluation and Professional
Development Center
(1979 – 1980) Geologist at Egyptian Surveying Authority
Drilling Department, for investigate about the
Building materials (e.g Limestone, Gravel,
Kaolin, Shale and glass sand) and making
Microscopic thin sections for all types of rocks
(1980 – 1985) Demonstrator at Suez Canal University
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
(Teaching the Lab. Courses)
(1985 – 1988) Assistant Lecturer at Suez Canal University
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
(Teaching the Lab. Courses)
(1988 – 1989) studied the Japanese Language at Osaka
University, Japan
(1989 – 1992) Doctoral Research student at Niigata
University, Japan
(1992 – 1997) Lecturer at Suez Canal University Faculty of
Petroleum and Mining Engineering
(Teaching and supervisor for research Students)
(1997 – 1998) Lecturer at Omar Mokhtar University, Libya
(1998 – 2003) assis. Professor at Faculty of Petroleum and
Mining Engineering
(Teaching and supervisor for research Students)
(2003 – Now) Assistant Professor at Faculty of
Technological Studies –Petroleum Engineering
Department- PEEAT – Kuwait
(1992 – 1998) M.Sc at Faculty of Petroleum and Mining
Engineering – Suez Canal University
(1999-2005) Ph.D at Faculty of Petroleum and Mining
Engineering – Suez Canal University
(2002 – 2004) M.Sc at Faulty of Petroleum and Mining
Engineering – Suez Canal University
– El Habab, A.A., El Tateishi, M., and Shimazu, M. 1991 “Textural and
Mineralogical Properties of Turbidite Sandstone of Upper
Miocene to Pliocene Tamugigawa Formation in the Niigata
Basin”. Jour. of the Japanese Association for Petroleum
Technology Vol. 56, No.2 1991
– Tateishi, M., El Habab, A.A., and Shimazu, M. “Petrography of
Turbidite sandstones in Niigata basin, northernmost part of
Fossa Magna, Central Japan”. 29th international
Geol. Cong. Kyoto, Japan, 1992
– Tateishi, M., El Habab, A.A., and Shimazu, M., 1992 (in Japanese with
English abstract)” Source rocks of Mio-Pliocene Turbidite
Sandstones in the Kubiki Area, Northern Fossa Magna”,
Mem.Geol.Soc.Japan, No.38, P. 181-190
– Shimazu, M., Tateishi, M., and El Habab, A.A., 1992, “Cenozoic
Systems and petroleum accumulations in the Niigata basin”.
29th IGC (Kyoto) Field Trip A 15,25p.
– Tateishi, M., El Habab, A.A., 1994 “Provenance from chemical
Composition of heavy mineral grains of Neogen sandstone
in Otari-Sasagamine area of Northern Fossa Magna” .
Jour.Japan. Assoc. Sed. No.40, 19-32.
– El Habab,A.A., Tateishi, M. Petrography of turbidite sandstones in
Niigata basin, northernmost part of Fossa Magna central
Japan (jointly worked) Procedings of the 29th international
Geological Congress Part A. VSP.BV Netherland, 1994
– El Habab, A.A., 2001″Contributions to Sedimentology of Cretaceous
Rocks, Gabal Elminsherah Area, North Central Sinai,
Egypt”. Jour. Sedimentology of Egypt, Vol. 9, P. 111-121,
– El Habab, A.A., 2002 ” Facies Analysis and Depositional Evaluation of
the Malha Formation , North Sinai, Egypt”,
6th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab
World, Cairo University, P.677-694
– El Fawal,F.M., Abdel Aal, M.H., El Habab,A.A. and Ebrahim,M.O,
2003″Seismic Facies Analysis and the Depositional
Evaluation of the Neogene- Quaternary Off Shore
Subsurface Sediments, Northern west of Sinai, Egypt”. 5th
International Conference on the Geology of the Middle
East P.307-320 , Cairo, Egypt
– Fawal, F.M., Abdel Aal, M.H., El Habab, A.A. and Ebrahim, M.O, 2004
“Sequential Evolution of the Late Neogene- Quaternary Off
Shore Sediments, Northwest of Sinai and their
Hydrocarbon Prospects”, 7th Conference of Sinai for
Development Ismalia, P. 1-21
– El Habab, A.A., 2005, “Relationships between Compositions of Organic
Matter, Depositional Environment and Sea-Level Changes
in Niigata Basins, Central Japan” Mem.Geol.Soc.Japan,
No.39, p120-130.
– Bezanti, M. and El Habab,A.A.,2007″Drill Cutting Removal Based on
Scouring Theory”, J.Petroleum Min. Eng. Vol.10, No.1,P
– El Habab, A.A. and Adsani, E. “Sedimentary Facies and Mineralogical
Properties of Early Cretaceous Sediments at Minesherah
Mountain, North Central Sinai, Egypt. American
Association Petroleum Geologist Conference (AAPG) 11-
14 April 2010
-El Habab, A.A. and Abd El Moneuim, M. (Under publication)” Coastal
Plain Deposits of the Hamam Faraun area, West Sinai,
-El Habab, A.A (Under publication) “Geochemical characteristics and
Source correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous oils in
Abu ElGharadig oil Field Western Desert, Egypt.